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Allergy medications - buy cheap drugs to treat allergy symptoms at generic online pharmacy

If you have allergies your doctor may prescribe a specific drug regimen. Effective medications that can be prescribed by a physician include antihistamines and topical nasal steroids--either of which can be used alone or in combination. Many effective antihistamines and decongestants also are available without a prescription. The following list includes the most common allergy treatments (both over-the-counter and prescription) and the specific allergic conditions they treat.

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Because you can't always avoid allergy triggers, you may need medication to help alleviate allergy symptoms. The best medication or combination of medications for you depends on your symptoms, what other health conditions you have and what other medications you take. Certain allergy medications work better for some people than others. You may need to try a few different medications to determine which ones are most effective and have the least bothersome side effects.

To choose the best allergy medications for you, learn what's available to treat your symptoms — and work with your doctor to figure out what medications is best for you.